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<< The Reality Happen Here >>

After having a nick of holidays, I have to attend for SP (Short Semester) with that I hope I can reseat the exam and get the better marks for each subject. There are many things happened here during my holidays here. After Manohara, Ambalat Island, rendang, wayang kulit, Batik and Rasa Sayange song claim, yet, there is also defiance of the local residents to the Kedubes Malaysia about the ancient-Pendet dance (I wonder if someday they will claim our kuda kepang dance), and recently an earthquake happened in West Java at 7.3 Richter scale! It was my first time in my whole life to feel the earthquake. What an experince!

In this post I'm not gonna to story neither the earthquake nor Pendet dance, but I would like to tell about our problems and the reality that really happen here. These matter happen after ones (indonesian of course) posting in his blog about bad things with my country, Malaysia. he used bad words like malingsia, and false facts to insult my country. I don't know from where he got the facts.

"Politik (Malingsia) sekarang sangat jelek dan sentimen rakyatnya harus dididik. Orang Malingsia bukannya tidak peduli dengan apa yang terjadi, tetapi dia tidak tahu karena media tidak memberitakan sama sekali," kata tokoh yang pernah dipenjarakan semasa Mahathir Mohamad berkuasa itu.

Please visit these site (click here) to read more.

Yesterday, my junior told me that his friend heard an indonesian said :

"Orang malingsia tuh bakar aja"

That statement really make us feel uncomfortable and fright. What should we do? We don't have anybody here to complain. Where ever we go, they will always stare at us with red eyes. But still, we try to tell the truth to them about all the case and be a good friend to them. I really hope that we can build back the relationship between malaysia and indonesia. No more claim, no more insult and most important is no WAR!

I think that's all for now....Pray for our safety.... till then..see ya!

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