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@@ Ketika Sakit Mengunjung Tiba @@

Semenjak merantau ke negeri orang ini (Indonesia), diriku tidak lekang dari sakit..mungkin kerana sistem imun diri yang tidak kebal atau mungkin juga kerana masih belum mampu menyesuaikan diri dengan keadaan persekitaran yang seriously begitu asing buatku di samping berjauhan dari keluarga. Pada bulan August 2008 tahun lalu, diriku telah dikunjungi oleh penyakit DBD (Demam berdarah Dengue) yang mnyebabkan diriku menderita menahan sakit selama dua minggu, seminggu terakhir aku telah menyerahkan diriku ke hospital swasta di situ (Siloam) untuk diubatkan oleh doktor penyakit dalam yang merawatku ketika itu, dr. Janto. Thanks to him although the cost of treatment is nearly RM 4000 / RP 16 thousands. Besides, I left my lectures about 6 days which cause me to fail in all subjects during 8th Block (Cardiovascular System) except for Radiology subject. So sad =(..On that time I lost all my spirit and really miss my family. For that reason I asked permission from my mother to go home during the semester break.

During 6 days of 'holiday' at Siloam Hospital, I just need to rest and sleep and was not allowed to do heavy activities like walking frequently to the toilet. The best thing ever was I like to press a button that usually used to call a nurse for any assistance hihi...what a paradise...wink..wink...

pic ni masa hari terakhir di siloam

I would like to thank to my friends who pay a visit to my room, 4112 when I was sick. They were :

~ Jenny, Wenny, Indah, Putri Chairani
this 4 best friends were the first person to send me to the hospital, Jenny, who guaranteed me (that's why saya sgt terhutang budi pada mereka berempat ini. If they are in need I will never hesitate to help them)

~ Asri (housemate) -> selama 5 hari berturut-turut lawat saya, thanks a lot!
~ Azam (housemate) -> selama 5 hari berturut-turut lawat saya, thanks alot!
~ Hafizah Aina
~ Hidayati
~ Atik Azmi
~ Nuraihan
~ Apai
~ Masliana
~ Fahamy
~ Lokman
~ Bad
~ Syafiz
~ Zaialif
~ Jawahir
~ Fadli (senior 07)
~ Apish (senior 07)
~ Masdalilah
~ Aini
~ Iena
~ Masitah
~ Murni
~ Fatiha
~ Waie
~ Zoey
~ Fana
~ Tira
~ Fetty
~ Faseha
~ Haikal--> he was the last person to visit me and really thanked him because he helped me until I
discharged from the hospital.

if there any person that I forgot to state, I'm really sorry dude...i still remember U but some, I not sure ur name =D

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3 Responses so far.

  1. alahhai..siannye,,
    baiknye kwn2 awak!!

  2. thanx 4 da grace!!!~ jgn la sakit2 slalu...~

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