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<< Resepi Orang Bujang 2 >>

Salam all and not too late to wish all of you Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri. After enjoyed few day with raya stuffs, now I decide to share with you a homemade recipe and for today I choose 'Batik' cookies. Just a simple recipe so why not you guys try it at home? I will instruct you how to make this cookies.

Before starting, let see the ingredients first...

# 600 g Marie biscuits
# 1 egg
# 1/2 cup of sugar
# 1/2 butter
# 250 g coco powder/ Milo (malt)
# 2 cups of water

Methods :

1. Pour water into the mixture of coco powder and egg. Stir until well blended.
2. Put the mixture on pan and cook for about 10 minutes.
3. Then put 1/2 butter into the mixture and stir for about 30 minutes until it looks more viscous
4. Divide into two, the main part and the other one for topping.
5. After that, put the biscuits into pan and stir for 10 minutes. Make sure the mixture cooked not longer than 10 minutes. This will cause your biscuits become too soft.
6. Put the cookies into a squared container for the base.


the base layer before putting topping

7. Finally put the topping on the base.

after put the topping

WAIT!! .....The cake is best served if refrigerated for 4-5 hours. Happy eating!

Have a pleasant day! Dadadahhh......

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